
Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 12/11/2023
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Author Biography

Dimitar Gyopsaliev, an award-winning and internationally bestselling author, is devoted to giving his readers fast-paced and plot-twisted adventures. He doesn’t live in a castle with his family and doesn’t possess shining armor. He loves history and uses his imagination to tell good stories. By day, he’s an engineer supporting others to build their projects. By night, he is helping princesses and knights achieve their dreams. He tries to be a doting father, as his children inspired him to create stories for them.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Peter Longsword has come a long way from being an orphan on the streets to serving in the royal household of Lady Eleanor. However, while on an exchange mission, Peter and his team of crusaders are ambushed by a group of pirates known as the Sea Wolves. Peter makes a mistake during the ambush that leads to the death of his friend Adam, which makes him feel guilty and seek revenge. As Peter recovers from his injuries, he has a dream that starts to manifest in reality. While investigating a shipwreck that occurred several decades ago, elements from his dream begin to appear. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers that everything he finds is connected to his destiny and a murder conspiracy involving his father. Join Peter as he sets out on a journey to discover his heritage and seek revenge for his friend's death in Oathbreaker, a medieval novel by Dimitar Gyopsaliev.

Oathbreaker is a captivating tale that immediately seized my attention and kept me engrossed. I enjoyed every aspect of this book, from its alluring cover to its fascinating characters and thrilling action sequences. The story takes place in medieval times, but Dimitar Gyopsaliev uses a modern tone to narrate it. I appreciate this approach because it allows readers to easily understand and connect with the characters and plot. Although this book is the second in a series, it can be read as a standalone because the author has included a glossary of characters and details from the first book, making it easy to follow the characters' progress. I am eagerly anticipating more of Peter's adventures. His story does not end here; there is more to come. Overall, this is great work.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Oathbreaker is the second book in the Return of the Son series by Dimitar Gyopsaliev. It is a fast-paced, action-packed book that will take readers on a captivating journey. The story takes place after the Battle of Ayn Jalut, where Peter Longsword emerges victorious. It starts with Peter, his friends, and a group of crusaders and archers being attacked by raiders. The raiders kill some members of their traveling party and steal from them. During the raid, Peter hesitates to kill their masked leader, which leads to the death of his friend Adam. Filled with guilt and seeking vengeance, Peter heals and trains while investigating a mass grave on the beach. The investigation uncovers secrets from twenty-two years ago involving the mysterious kidnapping of a prince, which is somehow connected to Peter's father. The more he digs, the more questions he has. Will he ever discover what happened at the beach and avenge his friend?

Oathbreaker by Dimitar Gyopsaliev takes place in medieval times and is inspired by archaeological excavations close to St Louis' castle in Sidon, Lebanon. The story is full of mystery, action, and memorable characters. Peter, the protagonist, is a formidable man whom readers will root for. His struggles with love, identity, and destiny make him relatable, and the way he stands up for the weak and vulnerable shows his sense of justice. I particularly enjoyed the action scenes. Unlike most action novels where the chaos and confusion make it hard to keep track of what is going on, the author paints a vivid picture. The author gave a roadmap of where every character was physically and emotionally, which made it easier to follow the story. All the characters are intriguing with the potential to have their individual books. The author also adds some humor that brings a light note to the story. I loved this book and hope that more people read it and enjoy Peter's journey.

Frank Mutuma

Once Abal had gone, Peter faced things that left his sword and will broken. During their journey back from exchanging prisoners, their convoy was attacked, and the gold was stolen by unknown assailants. But Peter is not just an ordinary man; he is the long-lost heir of William Longsword, half-brother of Richard the Lionheart. Having saved Lord Edward and enjoying the favor of the sultan, his fortunes have changed greatly. Currently, Peter is in the service of Lady Eleanor, and she has charged him with finding out about the mysterious discoveries on the shore that Matthew and Matilda had encountered. Will they be able to figure out what happened twenty-two years ago? To discover how things turn out for Peter and his friends, get a copy of Oathbreaker by Dimitar Gyopsaliev.

For history lovers, The Oathbreaker by Dimitar Gyopsaliev is a must-read! The action and the vivid descriptions of events and emotions of the characters captured my imagination from the first chapter to the last, and I couldn't put the book down once I started reading. I loved the steady narration, which added to the overall beauty, and the flawlessly flowing plotline that left no room for confusion for the reader. Dimitar also used suspense to great effect, which kept me on the edge of my seat and made me keep looking forward to subsequent chapters. The characters are also well-developed, and the easy-to-understand language used makes the book accessible to all kinds of readers. I cannot wait to read something else by this talented author.

K.C. Finn

Oathbreaker is a work of fiction penned by author Dimitar Gyopsaliev in the historical, interpersonal drama, and adventure subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Set in the aftermath of the Second Battle of Ayn Jalut during the Crusades, the story follows Peter Longsword, a hero haunted by guilt after his friend's death, on a quest for revenge. Gyopsaliev weaves a gripping narrative, immersing readers in Peter's journey of self-discovery amid political intrigue and historical conflicts. The author has crafted an enthralling continuation of his historical series with a truly immersive experience filled with rich, well-researched detail and compelling characters.

Dimitar Gyopsaliev’s scenes move at a cinematic pace to keep readers shifting between moments of adventure, romance, and political drama, creating a narrative that keeps us hooked from beginning to end and covers all the dynamics you could want. Peter's internal struggles and external challenges are a particular highlight at the emotional core of the tale, making it not just a historical account but a tale of personal growth and resilience that makes you feel as though you know the characters like your own family. The relationships forged, and the mysteries unraveled contribute to a narrative tapestry filled with engrossing details and realistic atmospheric touches for the period, and I was also deeply impressed by the authenticity of the dialogue. Overall, I would certainly recommend Oathbreaker to historical fiction fans far and wide as a vivid and emotive read that has left me eagerly anticipating the next installment.

Essien Asian

Peter Longsword knows very little about his origins but the one thing the young man yearns for is an opportunity to prove himself worthy alongside the other Christian warriors in the on-again, off-again battles against the Mamluks who want to take over the holy land. When Lady Eleanor of Castile convinces Peter to investigate the remains of a recently discovered mysterious shipwreck, the last thing he expects is to get caught up in a web of lies, conspiracies, and betrayal that spans decades. Peter enters this project knowing full well that the answers he seeks will ultimately lead him to find out who he truly is in Dimitar Gyopsaliev’s Oathbreaker.

Dimitar Gyopsaliev’s Oathbreaker has an ambitious orphan put into the position of resolving a decades-long mystery that affects him personally. The author selects a critical point in the Crusades as the story's setting. The timing adds some suspense to the plot as there is a feeling that war could break out at any moment before Peter concludes his investigation. The development of the characters fits into the timeline perfectly. Their conversations are intriguing as these create an immersive atmosphere that easily draws the reader into the story. The author does an impressive job of dropping clues in places you would least expect to find them. Two instances where this is the case are the unusual song at the tavern and Lord Broca’s outburst about the elder Longsword's supposed betrayal. The author balances intrigue, suspense, and romance intricately in Oathbreaker to create a novel that is as engaging as it is unique.