Ordinary to Extra-Ordinary

Achieving Remarkable Career Success through Passion, Purpose, and Preparation

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
200 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Pattie Dale Tye's Ordinary to Extra-Ordinary: Achieving Remarkable Career Success through Passion, Purpose, and Preparation will help individuals who are beginning a career, reentering a field, or are in the third stage of time in the workforce. While focusing on their profession, key relationships, and health, Tye reminds readers to invest in an occupation that inspires them. The author shares her experiences, highlighting her successes, biggest supporters, and regrets. Tye stresses connections and shows the impact of helping others before yourself. She addresses the benefits of trust, self-care, authenticity, the impact of your first ninety days in a position, and ways to grow in your job by taking advantage of opportunities. Tye outlines ways to become an expert in your area of business and how to get the most out of your time in your vocation without interfering with a good work-home balance.

Pattie Dale Tye inspires and motivates readers with her upbeat tone and tenaciousness. She embraced the attitude of many well-known entrepreneurs and developed practices that yielded results. The author focuses on three entry points in the workforce, but I believe the book is important for any stage of your career. With over thirty years of career experience, Tye seized opportunities, modeled servant leadership before she knew the term for the way she approached her work, and is equipped to share her knowledge with readers. It's encouraging to read about her victories and gratitude! Readers who are ready to begin a rewarding career, reenter the workforce, or have wise advice from years in their field to share with others will benefit from reading Ordinary to Extra-Ordinary.