Questionable Autism

Non-Fiction - Parenting
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/09/2015
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Author Biography

Susan Louise Peterson has been involved in education for more than 20 years as a school psychologist and educator of young children. She has assessed over 1000 children with developmental delays and possible autism as part of multi-team assessments. She is author of more than ten books in the areas of education, special education, autism,research and school psychology topics.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

Questionable Autism by Susan Louise Peterson is an excellent guide on autism for parents, educators, counselors and professionals who work around autistic people. Autism is a subject that has been controversial and debatable to a large extent, based on the experiences of people who have interacted with autistic children. This book opens the door to practical concerns regarding autism and real world practices. A lot of things written in the book regarding autism are questionable, but the book is useful to readers to understand more about the topic. It clears many misconceptions about autism that range from diagnosis to treatment, and also tells readers that screening children for autism does not give them a complete assessment regarding autism.

The author speaks about the subject matter extensively and expansively, and puts it forth in a simple and easy manner that is easily comprehended by readers. Parents and teachers become more knowledgeable about the topic after reading this book, which helps them to solve many problems related to autism. The approach to the subject is excellent and the topic is handled well with clarity. The questions to consider are useful ones that help the parent or educator evaluate the child in a detailed manner, giving a broader picture of the child. This book is definitely helpful to all those who work with and around autistic children. Autistic problems and symptoms vary from child to child and this book is helpful when it comes to understanding more about autism.