Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles: Secrets Nobody Told You

Reinventing Dating and Friendship Apps: Insights from Evolution, Science, and Psychology

Non-Fiction - Relationships
384 Pages
Reviewed on 03/03/2024
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Author Biography

Ahmad Aljazeeri, the author of this book and the innovative mind behind TerriTie, is a medical imaging technologist deeply fascinated by psychology and relationships. His unique combination of healthcare expertise, passion for human communication, and technology is the foundation of his approach to creating impactful social changes. With his multicultural experience from various countries, Ahmad has broadened his perspective on the nuances of human connections. His active participation in community service across diverse landscapes underscores his dedication to fostering positive societal transformations. Beyond his professional endeavors, Ahmad founded the 'PICCK A SPICE 11 Relationship Styles Framework,' a groundbreaking approach to understanding and navigating the complexities of interpersonal relationships. This framework reflects his insights into the dynamics of human interaction and is central to his mission with TerriTie – to transcend traditional digital boundaries and cultivate authentic, fulfilling human connections. Driven by firsthand observations of digital dating and social media limitations, Ahmad is committed to building TerriTie. A platform enhances the depth and authenticity of human relationships, guided continuously by community feedback and his belief in the transformative power of technology.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

Relationships are a vital part of human existence. Whether platonic or romantic, people want to have a relationship with someone else, everyone wants to experience love. Relationships may either “make you” or “break you” and it is very important to make wise choices when choosing a partner, something that is never easy. Or perhaps getting someone interested in you and maintaining the relationship is the hardest part. The truth is that relationships are as simple yet as complicated as human beings. With technological advancements, which have steered generational advancements in intellectual, social, cultural, and spiritual abilities and preferences, relationships have become even more complicated. Ahmad Aljazeeri delves deeper into the whole concept of relationships, exploring eleven relationship styles, and elaborating on how to spark and maintain them in Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles: Secrets Nobody Told You.

Ahmad Aljazeeri’s Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles is a must-read for anyone looking to get into or already in a relationship, whether platonic or romantic. I’ve read many books about relationships and love, but this engaging and insightful read is nothing like any of them. Using fictional anecdotes, historical figures and examples, and scientific facts, Aljazeeri breaks down the relationship and dating arena into eleven relationship styles. With an open-minded approach and an unbiased tone, Aljazeeri expertly elaborates his thoughts and ideas on these. After each discussion of a particular relationship style, there are thought-provoking questions that force you to look deeper into yourself, helping you figure out which style suits you, and perhaps your partner. There are also suggestions on activities and places to do them that will not only strengthen your bond with your partner but will also bring you closer to like-minded people with the same preferences. Better yet, Aljazeeri introduces his dating app TerriTie, how it works and its unique inclusivity and consideration of each person’s different preferences, based on everything discussed in this book. This book will change how you view and handle your relationships, and make you a master of them.

K.C. Finn

Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles: Secrets Nobody Told You is a work of non-fiction in the relationships, technology, and advice and guidance subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Ahmad Aljazeeri, the work presents a pioneering examination of human connections, introducing readers to the innovative 'PICCK A SPICE' framework comprising 11 distinct relationship styles. From Playful to Empathetic, each style offers unique insights into both romantic and platonic relationships, revolutionizing the way we perceive friendship and love. Through engaging stories and rigorous scientific research, the book merges evolutionary theory, biology, and psychology to provide practical solutions for enhancing existing relationships and forming new meaningful connections. It challenges traditional views on relationships and critiques the limitations of dating and friendship apps, offering fresh strategies for fostering genuine connections.

Author Ahmad Aljazeeri has crafted a truly enlightening experience that is sure to challenge readers’ perceptions of human connections. The book provides a comprehensive understanding of the diverse range of relationship styles, explained in a concise, accessible narrative that keeps everything clear and logical. Through engaging stories and rigorous scientific research, the author seamlessly integrates evolutionary theory, biology, and psychology at a level that beginners to the concepts can understand. I particularly appreciated the book's critique of dating and friendship apps, which highlighted their limitations and proposed some really innovative and rewarding strategies for finding new connections in the digital age. Overall, Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles is a well-organized and well-penned guidebook for the new dating age that I would recommend.

Foluso Falaye

In Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles, Ahmad Aljazeeri compiles 11 styles for improving relationships with both friends and lovers. You will learn to work on playful teasing, spiritual bonding, empathetic conversation, physical presence, kind contributions, and more styles to build and nurture your relationships. With creative expression, you can employ diverse creative mediums like music, art, and writing to connect with others emotionally and share your thoughts with them. By experiencing adventurous bonding with your friend or partner, you gain access to more growth, challenges, and excitement in your relationship. Apart from these thoughtful styles, the book offers solutions to many issues with dating and friendship apps. Also, it contains insights on various locations for experiencing a memorable connection with your partner based on the styles discussed and advice for rejuvenating your relationship.

I liked that the book's formatting suggests Ahmad Aljazeeri took his time in creating this very useful and comprehensive book. Readers will love the neat segments and its mix of reader-friendly elements: quotes from various sources, practical exercises and questions, smart summaries, and more. It covers psychological, historical, and scientific topics that will appeal to readers who appreciate mentally stimulating books. Intellectual topics like spirituality in ancient Egypt and the evolution of the human brain are handled skillfully. Furthermore, its recommended social app offers several benefits, such as fraud reduction and building genuine connections. I feel the book's relationship tips will be useful for me throughout life. Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles is a must-read for individuals who seek to start new friendships, strengthen their relationships, and experience a more exciting, fulfilling life with their loved ones. A perfect hit!

Emma Megan

Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles: Secrets Nobody Told You is a useful and informative book for any reader. It contains practical advice, amazing facts, evolutionary secrets, theories, tools, strategies, actionable steps, and helpful anecdotal or figurative stories. It dives deep into the 11 fundamental relationship styles within the ‘PICCK A SPICE’ framework: Playful, Intellectual, Creative, Culinary, Kind, Adventurous, Spiritual, Physical, Inspirational, Caring, and Empathetic. This book discusses the challenges posed by dating and friendship apps, offering solutions to those seeking to create more fulfilling and authentic relationships. Ahmad Aljazeeri invites anyone who seeks to form or improve their relationships on a journey of discovery to identify and understand their unique relationship styles. The comprehensive point-based test at the end of the book helps readers reflect on their relationship preferences and styles, identify their dominant relationship styles, and understand their unique way of connecting with others.

What I particularly appreciated about this book is how it is structured. It is exceptionally well-written and complex, but easy to follow, understand, and enjoy. Each chapter shows you how to incorporate a relationship style in your life, discusses its benefits, and offers a list of activities to try new things with your partner and enrich your connections. The author introduces those interested in forging new connections with people who share their interests and passions in this modern, busy world to a new, safe platform called TerriTie. This app focuses on face-to-face connections to form meaningful connections, both platonic and romantic. In essence, Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles by Ahmad Aljazeer is a comprehensive resource that will empower you to navigate the complexities of love and discover new connections.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Ahmad Aljazeeri explains relationships within a historic and scientific framework in Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles: Secrets Nobody Told You. Aljazeeri details deepening relationships and forming them, impressions and shortcomings of social apps, the effects of habituation, and where to begin in your quest for a new relationship. After opening with a relatable story, Aljazeeri discusses the relationship style, listing its historical, biological, and psychological components. He then explores the positives and potential setbacks to that style, moving into a description of ways to revive that relationship if it is suffering due to too much familiarity and routine. He outlines questions that reinforce your knowledge about a particular style and help you as you explore it. As he concludes the book, the author offers tests to determine your predominant relationship style and promotes his digital dating and friendship platform.

Ahmad Aljazeeri uses scientific evidence to explore not only romantic relationships but intellectual and familial ones. The text that resonated with me the most is to "start from within" when you seek personal fulfillment or deeper connections. Because of my situation, it was the most applicable information, but other material inspired me, too. The text pointing to "people-pleasing" behaviors motivated to change, and the hormones related to certain playful or intellectual exchanges were eye-opening. It was interesting to see, given common situations, where some relationships may falter, and others would thrive. Don't just skip to the style you think describes your relationship. Truly look through each section, and it may surprise you to find you fit into another representation or share a platonic style with a friend or family member. The book also promotes a site based on location and shared interests to boost romantic and friendship connections. Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles is a great selection for readers who are interested in reviving their bonds or forming new associations with a better idea of themselves and their view of their ideal relationship.