Valentino's Purpose

Celebrating Diversity and the Power of Kindness

Children - Animals
55 Pages
Reviewed on 05/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mimie Odigwe for Readers' Favorite

Valentino’s Purpose, written by Wanda Reyes and illustrated by Lilly Walther, is about Valentino, an adorable Goldendoodle who loves fashion and his mother. One day, his mother decides he is old enough to enroll in school to become a service dog. Valentino couldn’t wait and went shopping for new clothes. On his first day, other dogs in his class mock and laugh at him because he wore shoes and a shirt. Would Valentino stop loving fashion and wearing his cool shirts and shoes? Would he give up on service school because of other mean dogs? The next day, Valentino decides to go to school and makes new friends: Buddy, who has long blue hair, Pugsley the Pug, and Moana, who wears flowers and jewelry. Together, they graduate with honors and teach their classmates that everyone is unique and should be accepted, irrespective of their differences.

Children will learn important lessons as well as new words in Valentino’s Purpose. Words such as positivity, uniqueness, and confidence will help expand their vocabulary. This book teaches complex messages in such a simple way to children. Readers will learn the importance of confidence in oneself, accepting those around us irrespective of their looks or what they love, and forgiveness for all who have hurt us. Wanda Reyes also pens a message to parents about the importance of being available to comfort their children whenever they share their problems. Illustrator Lilly Walther finishes the job with bright, attention-grabbing images that make this book vivid and compelling.