Cyberchicks in Love

A Satire for the Star-Struck

Romance - Comedy
334 Pages
Reviewed on 05/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christine Nguyen for Readers' Favorite

In Cyberchicks in Love by Barb Dwyer, a trio of girls from Australia, Barb, Tess, and Lottie, become enamored with a German movie star named Siegfried P. Hinkelheimer. Their interest becomes an obsession as they search in video stores for movies featuring their favorite heartthrob. They scour the internet for more information, stumbling upon a fan site all about Siegfried. There is a major glitch in cyberspace when an alternate universe is created with new versions of each woman in the fan club. Barb starts a fantasy saga on the new planet, called “UnEarth,” with her alter ego or avatar named “UnEarthly Barb” and Siegfried. The women of the website take turns contributing to the wild storyline collaboratively as they globetrot around the world vying for Siegfried’s attention and love.

Cyberchicks in Love: A Satire for the Star-Struck by Barb Dwyer is a robust combination of science fiction, fantasy, romance, satire, and comedy set in 1998 when the internet was relatively new. Dwyer weaves a very fast, action-packed, well-written, and outrageously creative story that will make readers laugh out loud one minute and become dizzy and confused the next. The plot is constantly evolving at a rapid pace when the women add to the story, creating a bizarre and wacky narrative that is highly engaging and entertaining. I found the use of Dwyer’s parodies of old movies and celebrities hilarious and brilliant. I enjoyed the never-ending banter and camaraderie between the obsessed women. Cyberchicks in Love is a wild and crazy ride of sheer exhilaration.