The Love Knot

An Empowering Children's Book to Work Through Thoughts And Feelings

Children - Social Issues
39 Pages
Reviewed on 05/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

The Love Knot is a heartwarming children's picture book written by Vassi Rombis and illustrated by Pei Jen. The story follows Ollie, an otter who's very anxious after learning that he has to change his sleeping spot as he's grown up and can no longer sleep with his mother. Now, he has to sleep with the other boys, which overwhelms him. However, his cousins - Clementine, Nico, and Ophelia - try to cheer him up with his favorite activities and breathing exercises to help him relax. Despite their efforts, he's still scared of letting go of the other boys' paws when sleeping and floating away into the big ocean. Ollie's mother shares her own story with him and introduces a magical tool called The Love Knot. This helps Ollie feel more confident and ready to face his fears.

The Love Knot is a valuable resource for parents and educators who want to help young children navigate their emotions. It encourages children to acknowledge and manage their feelings healthily by providing a friendly approach to understanding and working through anxiety. Vassi Rombis uses simple words to narrate the story, making it easy for readers to follow and understand. The inclusion of fun facts about otters adds an educational element while accompanying exercises provide a practical way to relax and get rid of anxiety. This unique blend of entertainment and self-care makes the story a delightful and enriching experience for readers of all ages. Additionally, the colorful illustrations with warm tones fit perfectly with the book's message. I enjoyed this book and think it is a must-read for families and anyone looking for a story to help youngsters manage feelings of uncertainty and anxiety.